New Member
Help! I have a 50 gallon reef tank with about 50 lbs of live rock. It has been set up since Oct. (5 months) and everything was going fine. I had 3 corals (star, button, mushroom, I think?), a yellow and blue tang, 2 horse shoe crabs, a mandarin goby, a tomato clown, a ritteri(sp?), a brittle star, and my last and most expensive addition, a flame angel. I noticed a very dark green coloration developing on the live rock a month or so ago and the coral slowly deteriorating. Last week, the blue tang, clown, goby, and angel all died the same day. I use staight RO to top off about once every 3 weeks or so. I haven't added any salt or buffers to the RO since my SG seems to remain at sufficient levels. My tests indicate a KH reading off the scale and the alkaline level keeps dropping yet the pH is at a perfect 8.3 always. I don't understand how the water could be so hard using RO. I have added reef builder to bring the alkaline level up satisfactorily but it seems to drop again after a few days and since the reef builder contains bicarbonate it would seem like that would only make my water harder. I just don't know what to do and I refuse to add any new fish until I solve this mystery. Please help.