

i have never owned a good alkalinity test kit so i never really tested it. so i was at my local fish store yesterday and he told me the most important things to test for in a reef tank are ph,alk,and calcium. thats if you have your nitrates in check(which i finally do) thank i bought a salifert test kit he sadi thats one of the best kits in his opinion. so i tested my alk. and i came up with around 13, i thought that was high. everything in my tank seems to be doing very well, just not really any growth. could this be the cause?


Active Member
Originally Posted by btwk12
everything in my tank seems to be doing very well, just not really any growth. could this be the cause?

First we need to know what you are keeping and what kind of growth you have to decide if it is fast or slow.
Second what is your ph, alk, and calcium? How are you keeping it as it is?
A 13 dkh is up but as long as your calcium is ok you don’t need to change any thing.


im keeping mainly lps just started getting sps i have had duncans 6 heads and frogspawn 2 heads,and hammer 3 heads for about 5 months now and no new heads but i got a orange and purple cap about two months ago and they over doubled in size i guess it could be placement but everything seems happy. after my lights are on for 3-4 hours they are all huge. my ph is around 8.1, calcium a lil over 500, and i dont dose calcium just water changes. i tested alk again today and it was down to 11.3


Active Member
For the water keep doing what you are doing sounds good to me.
Duncans, Frogspawn, and Hammer corals will grow much faster if you spot feed them they like more nutrients in the water than SPS corals but just feed them and they will grow fast.