

Please dont think Im stupid... But what is Alkinity? Is that the hardness of the water? Im sorry but Im trying to learn more and more. I have learned alot on here... But Im still learning.


Active Member
Alkalinity is the ability of the water to withstand changes in pH, specifically drops in pH, due to the addition of an acid. In our case the acid is Carbonic Acid, which forms from the reaction of Carbon Dioxide and Water (CO2 + H2O --> H2CO3). Carbon dioxide obviously comes from respiration. During the day, both respiration and photosynthesis occur. It is commonly misunderstood that plants/algae don't produce CO2 but in fact they do respire and do also produce CO2, just that they also produce O2 (using CO2) when there is light.
In general, low alkalinity will result in significant, and sometimes fatal, swings in pH from day to night. This is why it is important to have a baseline idea of what the pH is both in the morning (when lights are first on) and in the evening (when lights have been on).
There are many articles on alkalinity, calcium, pH, and magnesium which are all interrelated. You can find these in the Archives forum
It can surely be described in a more scientific and technical fashion, but it is not the easiest subject to grasp :scared: