All Black longnose butterfly fish...rare!


New Member
Here's a dark phase butterfly only found off the kohala coast of the big island, hawaii.

anybody have one at home?


New Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
the funny part is u go on to say theyre rare, and then ask "anybody got one?"
Yeah sharkboy, you got me there. Just cracking jokes. But that doesn't mean someone doesn't have one. I see much rarer fish here on the boards than this guy.
ya know


Originally Posted by Kohala
Yeah sharkboy, you got me there. Just cracking jokes. But that doesn't mean someone doesn't have one. I see much rarer fish here on the boards than this guy.
ya know
a person has a gem tang some where around here


New Member
i don't know crap about keeping an aquarium really
, but these fish are found all over the state
- the little pricks always turn back to their normal colors though

sorry to break your hearts fish boys