All clown fish

blue eye

I wanted to know can all clown fish live together or is it only certain kind that can. I was just starting to think of my stocking list for my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
I wanted to know can all clown fish live together or is it only certain kind that can. I was just starting to think of my stocking list for my tank.
Its not recomended to mix species... EG.. .ocellaris to ocellaris=OK... Percula and Ocellaris= Not recomended. Although it has been done and there is some success the general rule is no. If you have a large enough tank and they can each claim their own territory far enough away from each other your success rate increases. As far as them pairing that too is a fine line. Also, in regard to species, ocellaris and perculas tend not to be as aggessive as maroons so consideration must be given to not only territory size but species as well. HTH.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue Eye
ok well i was looking on getting 2 Clarkii clown fish, in my 30 gal would this be ok.

Sounds ok to me... they can get up to 6" when fully grown so I would say that about maxes out your tank but they should be fine together.

blue eye

Well i am going to setup a 55 gal for them in the next 2 months or so, so i should be good until then