All feather dusters changing crown colors to white

Hello! it's been awhile since I last posted here. So this started happening after a hair algae explosion:

I have no idea what happened, I had them for a year, and now, when hair algae started taking over, they changed crowns, they lost all their colors, turned white with purple dots and now their current crown is 3 times smaller than it should be ( they were bright orange with red and had huge crowns :'c ). Does anyone know how can this be fixed? (They 've been like that for 2-3 months now).


Well-Known Member
My guess is that because there is an abundance of food in the water column, a smaller crown is necessary. Color is secondary to survival.
Get your parameters back in order. Get rid of the hair algae with an algae scrubber if you can. Do a few water changes and feed quality phytoplankton. Best of luck yeti g them to change back to something pretty again.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by vampirexevipex http:///t/397799/all-feather-dusters-changing-crown-colors-to-white#post_3547090
Hello! it's been awhile since I last posted here. So this started happening after a hair algae explosion:

I have no idea what happened, I had them for a year, and now, when hair algae started taking over, they changed crowns, they lost all their colors, turned white with purple dots and now their current crown is 3 times smaller than it should be ( they were bright orange with red and had huge crowns :'c ). Does anyone know how can this be fixed? (They 've been like that for 2-3 months now).

...A duster worm will lose it's crown, and it will keep coming back smaller and smaller until it dies from starvation. It may be being starved out by the hair algae. Kent's Marine Microvert is very good for filter feeders such as feather dusters.

The hair algae explosion is the result of phosphates and that will affect the color of the dusters crown too.