All fish dead


New Member
I had five fish in my 120 gallon, french angel, half black, powder brown, clown and blue throat trigger, all but the trigger are dead now and he is 3/4 of the way there. They started off with ich, and then looked like their scales were falling off got very lethargic, and began not to eat. Does anyone know what that was and how I can prevent it in the future


What kind of filtration do you have?
Was it cycled?
Did you over poulate it too quickly?
What were the water paramaters?
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New Member
well I used that turbo start the tank was cycled and I got the water tested many times and it was perfect. How many fish is a good amount to put in at a time and what intervals


Active Member
for a new tank normally u'd get 1 and then wait a while maybe 2 for a large tank...then 1 every other week or more until tank is done. It has to be done very slow.
cdblax, that's basically what happened to my fish after I got all of them into a quarantine tank. Even with treating with anti-ich meds and vitamins my poor fish just had their flakes peel off and then die. I couldn't find any info relating specifically to that symptom so the the only explanation I could find is that it was a a type of secondary infection setting in after ich already stressed the fish out.
I had started with Rxp but stopped after the first two doses and did a large water change, this happened about 2 weeks after that. I used copper in the QT for the fish.
Stopped the Rxp because my late coral beauty was finding it stressful and I didn't want to cause any more damage. All the other fish were fine though, the ich was relatively minor still at that point.