all fish eating but yellow tang


New Member
Hey everyone I have a 80 gal tank with about 80 to 90 pounds of rock the list of of fish is puffer, butterfly three damsos blue and yelow tang and a clown. All is eating fine besides the yellow tang. I had him for about a week and it hasn't ate. The color seems to be good but looks very skinny. I've tried everything but it seems like it doesn't want to eat. What should I do?


New Member
brine shrimp, squid, flakes, formula 1 and 2, pellets, spirulinas, red and green algae i even put a pieace of lettuce in there. Oh and it's a naso tang not yellow. so can you tell me what to do?


Try slicing some garlic and letting it soak into some pieces of algae. May help to attract him to it. Try adding it right after you feed the others so the feeding frenzy has calmed down and they aren't battling for the food.
Hope some of this help.
Also, how big is the naso?


New Member
no water issues just test everything seems to be fine naso is about 3 to 4 inches


Active Member
Tangs have been known to "hunger strike", I think it was close to a week before my Sailfin ate when I got him, hopefully time is all he needs.