All Fished died


New Member
I have had my 36 Gal setup for 4 yrs and have had my share of ups and downs
My fish only tank consisted of
1 Blue Chromis
1 Royal Gramma
2 False Percula Clowns
10x Hermit Crabs
My latest addition was the Royal & 1 Clown
After about 3 weeks the royal was acting funny...I thought was getting Ick
But then he cleared up and was eating well
Next day he was dead along with 1 clown (crabs got to them before I got home) The following day the next clown died and the next the chromis
When I first noticed the royal acting funny I tested the was fine
after the first death I did a water change. Well I have had with salt water and I am going back to fresh.
My question is about the crabs Can I put them in a 5 or 10 gal tank with water & sand & coral from my tank with a little foam filter? Will they survive?
Do they carry the disease that killed my fish??
Thanks again


Staff member
Just return them to the fish store. Hermits are pretty hardy, but if you really don't want them, just give them away.
Quarantining new fish is really a must in this hobby.