I decided against the copper treatment and did not bring levels up to effective levels.
My fish went downhill real quick (Powder blue, Picasso trigger and Volitan lion).
I panicked and did a 25-30% water change.
I refilled with fresh RO watter.
This definately eased their situation, however I was convinced that they would not make it through the night.
They made it, however my Powder blue was definately on his last leg.
At this point I am so frustrated with seeing my fish go down that If I honestly thought of quitting and getting out of the hobby.
I cannot stand to see them die.
I did another 25% water change with fresh RO as a last ditch effort before bed.
Salt level was/is 1.011.
Another "they won't make it through the night".
Next morning was a DAY and NIGHT difference.
I can't even explain the difference.
Powder blue went from gasping for breath, basically dying in front of me, to happily swimming and 1000% difference in apperance.
Lion had a whole film of crap come off of his eyes and body, now his eyes are much clearer and he's acutally swimming now.
I sat in front of that tank for a good half hour just amazed.
I realize that hyposalinity is a long process, but I still can't believe the difference after less than 24 hours.
Also, Powder blue ate some garlic treated food
(He hadn't eaten for a week untill now)
I am not an expert in this hoby and I realize the way I went about this is entirely wrong, But If it wasn't for this message board, I wouldn't have a clue what hyposalinity is.
I have a hydrometer coming in the mail (should be here tomorrow) so then I can accurately bring the salt down to 1.009 calibrated for tank temp.
I will follow All advice you may have on this treatment and I want to treat this for at least 30 days.
As you have said, hyposalinity is the way to go and I really want to thank Terry B and Beth for the help