All Metal Halide users!

salty tank

I dont know if this would work but check this place out *Illegal Link*
There are work light brands that sell halogen and metal halide lights that are very high powered for a fraction of the price that you would pay for a marine company. Someone tell me if these lights would work for a tank.
I found a 300 watt metal halide Designers Edge light that my dad used. I saw it and said "Holy sh*t i could use this for my tank, how much did you pay for this?" and he said about $20-$30 dollars. I want to try this, let me know if this will work or not.
Of course i will have to take the little stand off and build it into my canopy somehow but that will be easy if this will support corals.


there have been a few posts about this, many people use them over their fuge, but they heat up to i think it was around 200 degrees C so they are really way to hot for aquariums. Also the spectrum is a little off.


Active Member
Halogens will not work for aquariums, otherwise we all would have them. They get too hot, wrong spectrum, and not much usable light.

salty tank

Not all of those work lights are halogens though. Like i said my dad bought a 300 watt MH light for like $30 he said


Active Member
salty i was thinkning the same thing as you awhile back , those lights get bright , im interested to see what other people think cause it is something i would definatly like to try


Active Member
It's the spectrum of the Mh bulb that matters. Most reef keepers use something between 10,000 and 20,000 Kelvin rating, ranging in yellow/white to blue depending on desired effect.
You most likely wont find any lights at your local hardware store with these K ratings.