All my fish have died- what now??


New Member
I have been fighting ich, but tonight have lost the battle- the last of my fish have died.
I now hav a 90 gallon tank with crabs, snails, shrimp and corals- what is the best route to take now- should I just continue to feed the inhabitants that are in there and wait the 30 days or is there anything that I can do between now and then to help the situation. I am not looking to hurry the 30 days up- I am not going to put anything else in there until that time is up- just wondering if there is anything else I should be doing in the mean time. Thanks! Jenna


Staff member
To help the situation, start setting up a Quarantine Tank. Take a look at the info on quarantines in the FAQ Thread. This is the only way to prevent this from happening again.
Yes, continue to feed the inhabitants of your tank and do all the maintenance things that you would normally do. However, you will continue to get ich if you do not follow safe quarantine practices.