all my fish just died, what do I do?

I came home from work today and noticed that my fish were acting strange. So I started testing the water and nothing looked out of the norm. Within a 1/2 an hour I noticed that my perc was dying and that my orange spotted goby had died. I quikley changed about 20 percent of the water and an hour and a half later i am watching my juv emporer angel die.
I am new to the hobby, I have a 40 gal tank with about 20 lbs of live rock and about 20 lbs of LS. I run a lifeguard fluidized bed filter and a whisper filter. I also have a blood shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, a emerald crab, 2 sea slugs, a condy anenome, and a host anenome.
I am not running a qt tank but will be in the future.
I just bought the goby on sunday and put him in the tank and now all the fish are dead, I am guessing that the fish was diseased.
What should I do now, I need help.
Also I have a shark egg, hopefully he will survive, I was planning on starting a 180 by summer time to accomadate the fast growing fish. also everybody seemed fine yesterday and even this morning.


Staff member
I'm assuming that all your corals and inverts are fine? Which would indicate that the problem was not an environment issue.
Likely the the new fish intro-ed a disease, as you surmised. What were the symptoms of the fish while dying? Rapid breathing? With a death that came on that fast, my thought would be oodinium [marine velvet]. If nothing else determines a different problem, I'd suggest you leave your tank fishless for 2 mos.
Very good idea to get a QT so this will never happen again.
what is marine velvet? Does it kill that fast. I noticed that my emporer looked velvety but I thought that was normal, I noticed it for about a week, would it take that long for him to die and then all the fish suddenly die at once???


Staff member
Its a parasite. The fish will carry it for a short time before most hobbyists will notice a problem. By that time, it is usually too late, and, yes, it can wipe out a tank within hours.
The parasite is nicknamed velvet because it has a velvety dusted appearance to it [when you see it]; as if the fish has been dusted with fine powder. Rapid gilling is a typical symptom.
my entire fish looked velvety and I didn't see it on any others. It doesn't sound like the problem, I think it was the goby. I also put a peice of squid in the tank that i bought from a fish store and had frozen. Ever herd of problems with squid?