All My Newbie Questions


I will be setting up a 29g reef aquarium and have some questions.
1. When cycling the live rock, I do not need to use a skimmer, correct?
2. Could I or should I use a canister filter that I have, when cycling the LR?
3. Should I place the LR directly on the bottom of the aquarium or can I place it on top of the sand?
4. I have 85 watts of flourescent lighting. What types of creatures would be suitable for that amount of light?


Active Member
1 - I would leave skimmer off during cycling period.
2 - I use a Cannister filter, but others will say not to.
3 - On the sand
4 - Any lighting will do for fish, shrimps, crabs etc. Corals and anenomies will require stronger lighting.
It is not really the Live Rock you are cycling, but more the filter and the tank. The beneficial bacteria needs to develop to be able to neutralise ammonia from tank inhabitants.

nm reef

Active Member
I would not run the skimmer until after the cycle begins to wind down and things become a bit more stable.
I don't use and have never used any type of "canister" filter so I can't comment....but I would run some type of mechanical filter if only to remove some of the larger stuff that will be circulating around the tank. Especially if the LR you are using is un-cured and has much die off.
Placement of the LR could be either way...I prefer mine on the sand bed...but others place it on the bottom and develope the sand around it.
85 watts of standard flouresent is very low lighting for a reef system. Its possible to maintain some mushrooms/polyps/leathers...but your options will be rather limited.
Check the information on this link for lots of information on setting up and maintaining a reef of luck...keep us posted as you progress and don't hesitate to ask questions along the way.
NMREEF website
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