Originally Posted by TheWeirdo
Whitey, how's the Guinea Fowl Puffer's attitude? I read somewhere that he will scratch the glass of the tank. Does he ever do that? Also, how long have you had him for and in what size tank.
He acts like a dog. He doesn't scratch any glass though he will munch on corals and spit them all over until he realizes they're not food. He's definitely got more personality than any other Puffer I've kept. He goes nuts at feeding time, but the other fish have learned to get out of the way, except my juv. Emporoer Angel. The poor thing has had chunks taken out of her fins like 3 times, and just when they grow back, the Puffer gets her again.
I've had him for over a year, and he's in a 125, but my 280 should be ready around mid April, where he will be upgraded to.