all seahorse exp is welcome here


i plan on getting a 2.5 gallon or smaller dwarf seahorse nano. will u plzzz list what i need and stuff. also the species of the dwarf seahorse to get it ordered. i really wanna try this so could u plz make a list for me??? plz


Active Member
What do you know about seahorses? Not to be mean but I think your way over ur head here... but tell u what... if you can be more specific in your questions it may be easier to help ya out chief...


i know they are extremely hard to care for. i know that they are really pickey eaters. i know that they dont like strong currents. i know that they are among the most fragile critters u can get and they need somthin to anchor there tails on. thats about it off the top of my head.


Active Member
do a search on seahorses and check out the article i wrote... FOTW: Seahorses... it was a fish of the week a long time ago. It should have the basis to your questions if you have anymore... please ask.. gl