all things NFL Draft


so its 11 days away so i think its fair to start talking bout it. feel free to give mock drafts, discuss trades, talk about potentional hall of famers/busts, or anything else nfl draft.
ill start with a mock of the first 10 picks with no trades just as how the teams stand now.
OAK-- Calvin Johnson...ya best player overall to come out in a long time
DET-- JaMarcus Russell... detriot needs QB i think they like russell best
CLE-- Brady Quinn... dont like him but well CLE might and i dont think frye is the answer
TB-- Gaines Adams... kids a freak, enough said
ARI-- Joe Thomas... their line stinks something awefull obvious choice
WAS-- Alan Branch... i think more of a sure thing than okeye
MIN-- Adrian Peterson... lots of needs, not one but cant not take him if there
ATL-- Laron Landry... if he is their atl sprints to the podeum
MIA-- Patrick Willis... flying up boards along with his 40
HOU-- Levi Brown... need line help badly, solid player ready to play now


Active Member
I'm a Browns fan, I'm kind of sick of all the coverage...its been like a month already...its all they talk about on radio....If your team is not in the top 10... good luck... talent level kind of drops off a little.... I hope we get A.P. that would be a nice complement to J.Anderson...A little thunder and lighting. Quinn and Russell are unknowns...maybe they'll be good maybe many factors... neither or good enough in my opionion to be a starter on opening day they need some veteran to mentor them, which none of these teams have to offer that may be selecting...How many top 5 QB's are currently productive QB's in the NFL right now???


i agree with you that CLE will most likely take peterson, i think it is the overall best pick for them but who knows. that AP to minn thing is just what i am hope will happen considering we arent going to get CJ. :thinking:
i think if peterson is gone and landry is there thats who the vikes will take unless gaines adams falls but that is doubtful.
just a thought if you think the draft goes CJ, one of the qbs, AP.... then where do you think the other qb will fall to, it aint going to be us at 7, it is all smoke coming from us over here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bayside
so its 11 days away so i think its fair to start talking bout it. feel free to give mock drafts, discuss trades, talk about potentional hall of famers/busts, or anything else nfl draft.
ill start with a mock of the first 10 picks with no trades just as how the teams stand now.
OAK-- Calvin Johnson...ya best player overall to come out in a long time
DET-- JaMarcus Russell... detriot needs QB i think they like russell best
CLE-- Brady Quinn... dont like him but well CLE might and i dont think frye is the answer
TB-- Gaines Adams... kids a freak, enough said
ARI-- Joe Thomas... their line stinks something awefull obvious choice
WAS-- Alan Branch... i think more of a sure thing than okeye
MIN-- Adrian Peterson... lots of needs, not one but cant not take him if there
ATL-- Laron Landry... if he is their atl sprints to the podeum
MIA-- Patrick Willis... flying up boards along with his 40
HOU-- Levi Brown... need line help badly, solid player ready to play now
Being from Detroit, I hope you are right. Unfortunately I don't see Oakland carrying Randy Moss, Jerry Porter and Calvin Johnson on the same squad with no qb. They have to go QB, Calvin Johnson is a freak, and I have got to watch him several times at Georgia Tech, but they can't pass on Russell. He has the most upside of any QB ever selected. Remember the Culpepper to Moss days, they will pale in comparison to Russell-Moss.


personally i think whatever qb oakland plays is going to get the snot knocked out of him all year long with that line so i think they have to take the best player to come out in a long long time in calvin johnson. and yes the guy is a freak.


Active Member
Hard to say.... in my opinion OAK and DET need QB's very bad- their starters are gone from 2006. However, no one really wants to pass on CJ.... This could be like Michael Jordan being selected 3rd in the NBA draft in 1984... The questions is if you have him, but can't get him the ball, what good is he? I think that there could be a trade. If I were CLEV and if pick 1 and 2 pass on CJ, CLEV should draft him and trade him for A.P and maybe a 2nd or 3rd round pick.
I would like him (CJ) inCLEV, but then we would be kinda like DET with an arsenal of WR'S/Kellon Winslow but lacking in other need positions. This could be a trade with MINN? Does this interest you Viking Fan?
Hey I went to school with Dwight Smith an infamous former Viking


actually he and his famous stairwell incident are still on the roster. if CJ was to drop to 3 i think the vikes would consider trading up for him, if the price was right tho. i think it would take picks and players because we will not give up a ton of picks to trade up to get calvin just because we have a lot of needs that need to be filled in this draft. also 7 to 3 is a pretty costly move. i think that tampa would be more than willing to trade up but i think they may trade with detriot. they may trade with cleveland but who knows, it is all just speculation at this point.


Active Member
I like Calvin Johnson, but Oakland cannot take him because they have no one to throw him the ball.
I really do not think JaMarcus Russel will be anything special. He looks like a young, immobile Dante Culpepper.
I don't really think Brady Quinn is anything amazing either, but I guess he has to be better than Charlie Frye.
I don't understand why Minnesota is looking at a running back. Last year, they said Chestor Taylor was their man, and they showed that by giving him a back contract. Chestor had a nice season, considering the team had serious QB-WR issues. Minnesota has other concerns, if you ask me.
I think the best player in the draft is Adrian Peterson. Whatever team gets him will be very happy, I believe. I could see Cleveland taking him and getting a phenomenal player.


minnesota is looking at running back because peterson might be there at 7 and he is a big time player who could help the team alot. teams are starting to switch to a 2 back system now. taylor wore down at the end of the year last year because of way to many carries so AP would help lighten his load.
yes we have WR issues but there is none worth taking at the 7 spot without it being a huge stretch. there is talk that if AP is there we might move back to 12 because buffalo wants AP and willing to give up their 2nd rounder and one of their two third round picks to swap picks.
TJack is the starting qb next year and there are no questions about it, everything else you hear about quinn is..... well smoke. nationwide people have not seen this kid play, he has some serious talent and the vikes are willing to let him work through problems as a starter. they just need to build a wr core around him.


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Chestor Taylor got tired at the end of the season because they handed him the ball too often. They could not throw the ball, so they had to do what worked for them. Without a pass game, it is extremely difficult to do a lot of positive rushing. Chestor Taylor was ninth last year in rushing attempts and would have actually wound up to be fifth or sixth overall if he had played 16 games (instead of 15).
I forgot about Tarvaris Jackson. He actually did look pretty good when he played toward the end of the season last year.


this is why we would take AP if he is there because we will run a lot again with TJack who is pretty much a rookie qb and no real targets at wide reciever and maybe a couple decent rookie wr that we get through the draft. a rushing attack with taylor, AP, and the threat of TJack running would give our team a decent offense and then we would need to work on the wr core.
CJ is the only legit wr ready to start immediately and he is pretty much out of our reach because we need our picks to build for the future because we will have growing pains for the next 2 years or so.


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What do you think about Teddy Ginn? He does need to work on his routes a little but he could have a big impact in the special teams game much like Devin Hester.... At only 75-80% he ran 4.38...a week or so ago.

You also have Meecham (Tenn)
Gonzales (OSU) is a great reciever- underrated...He's fast 4.4 and runs great routes, drops nothing... 2nd round steal!!!


Active Member
I love Anthony Gonzales, especially as a second round steal. I do not like Ginn though. I think he is really overrated.


i like ginn, i see him as a high first early second pick. but a lot of teams NEED wr so he ll prolly go earlier. i dont think he would be nearly this high tho if he wasnt such a dangerous return man, which is where i think he ll make his mark in this league. think devon hester on this guy, both i dont think will turn into that great of position players but both will be great special team guys.
gonzo will be a solid slot reciever nothing more nothing less.


jamal anderson, dwayne jarrett, brady quinn. all hyped to no end but i dont see them having very good pro careers


i kinda have a feeling but i just cant say, i just dont know because he seems so high on everyones boards but to me he seems like the highest bust probability but maybe all the scouts know something i dont. who knows.


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
I would agree with that. Analysts are saying that Russell is one of the best quarterbacks to come out of the draft in the past 10 years. No way do I see him living up to that, nonetheless, on the Raiders. Way too many questions on that team. There is no offensive line, you never know if Moss/Porter will want to play, and the run game is weak (Dominic Rhodes has never been the sole primary back).
I also believe Ginn and Quinn will be big disappointments, but not as much as Russell.


Active Member
Ginn could possibably be like a Peter Warrick... I hope not because he is like a home town kid...I'm about 30 min outside of Clev... We have like 6 players or more that are projected 1st day draft picks Ginn, Gonzo, T. Smith... Pittman is from my city.
What do think about T.Smith as an NFL QB-- he is just as good as those other guys to me, except he's smarter and shorter...
Also, what do you think about Garrett Wolfe from NIU... He is a great back, maybe a steal for someone in Rd 5-6....