All Wrasses Dieing!!!!!!!!


New Member
I've had three wrasses and all three have died in a matter of time. The first was a Blue Spotted Wrasse that died in two weeks. Seemed fine, although not eating most foods, it picked at live rock and at brine shrimp greedily. One day turned up dead. Second was a Yellowback Wrasse that lasted for 3 days. Didn't eat a thing the whole time. The third was a Coris Wrasse that lived for over two months, then one day seemed to stay in sand for a lot of the day and three days later was dead. It ate greedily for the entire time it was alive, up until the last few days. Any ideas at all??? I like this family of fish and want to get more, but what might be up here?


Staff member
Give some details about your tank and setup. It could be that your setup just is not right for these fish, or another fish is harrassing them to death.
If other fish are not sick, it is not likely a Disease problem. More details needed. Take a look at the Thread at the top of this forum that details How to Post in the Disease Forum.


New Member
None of the wrasses were harrased by other fish at all, besides the blue spotted wrasse, but just for the first day and then it was left alone. All other fish are fine and show no signs of disease, nor did any of the wrasses show any ill effects, besides not eating. the tank is a 180 gallon with lots of live rock, live sand, a refugium and strong circulation. many shrimp, hermit crabs and everyone is doing exceptionally well. tank has been up and running since October 30, 2003. what other info could you need to help out here? thanks for any input.