Almost all dead


Active Member
My one damsel is dead. My other one is hiding. My clown is swimming sideways, but no discoloration. my tank has been cycled for a month. 2 damsels cycled the tank. the clown has been in for 2 weeks.
Amm- 0
Salt- 1.023
temp- 79
ph- 8.2
no2- 0
no3- 0
I did a water exchange today. i cheack all of my levels an hour ago. i used Ro water. What is happening to my tank? I am figuring the other damsel is going to die, and the clown is a medium tomatoe he might make it. How can I figure out what is going on? Please help me. thanks


leopard.... that really sucks! it seem like your tank was going very well. i dont know too much about why fishes are dieing, but i hope everything turn out good for you soon.
by the way, how long did you have the fish?


Active Member
the damsels cycled the tank. I didn't know that you shouldn't do that. so those were not QT. The clown was added the day i set up my QT. So these fish never saw the QT, they just floated in the bag for several hours, and then released into the main. I jad the damsels for 6 weeks, and the clown for 2.
Cal: everything was fine until yesterday. I was picking up one of my bigger and more expensive fish on Friday. So I am glad this happened now. I know stuff like that happens in this hobby. i except it. I am lucky I only had 3 fish and no corals. Hope all goes well in our tank cal!!!


Same here, I used 9 damsels to recycle the tank. After 4 weeks,
I took the water to the dealer and he tested, the water was
good to add good expensive fish. During the recyling process,
6 damsels died. I returned the last 3 musketters to the dealer
and exchanged for a pair of orange clowns and 2 baslettes.
One of the baslettes died within 4 days. The dealer had no idea
why the fish died, he kept saying my water was in excellent
condition. I got another key hole angle, and sure enough 3 days
later he died. So don't feel bad if your fish leaves you.
The best thing is to change the water and see.
Good luck


Active Member
i know that it is just one of those things that happen. i was just ticked because it was just getting safe to add fish. Thats ok I am in no hurry. Patience!!! I am in the process of trying to fix my tank so I can eventually add more fish, someday.