Active Member
My one damsel is dead. My other one is hiding. My clown is swimming sideways, but no discoloration. my tank has been cycled for a month. 2 damsels cycled the tank. the clown has been in for 2 weeks.
Amm- 0
Salt- 1.023
temp- 79
ph- 8.2
no2- 0
no3- 0
I did a water exchange today. i cheack all of my levels an hour ago. i used Ro water. What is happening to my tank? I am figuring the other damsel is going to die, and the clown is a medium tomatoe he might make it. How can I figure out what is going on? Please help me. thanks
Amm- 0
Salt- 1.023
temp- 79
ph- 8.2
no2- 0
no3- 0
I did a water exchange today. i cheack all of my levels an hour ago. i used Ro water. What is happening to my tank? I am figuring the other damsel is going to die, and the clown is a medium tomatoe he might make it. How can I figure out what is going on? Please help me. thanks