2 months ago I inherited a bleached Sebae. After having it about 6 weeks, I added a Tomato Clown. The TC hosted it, the second it was released in the tank.
They have been living in my 10gc with a 15 watt CL50/50. Knowing this was not enough light, I put the 30 watt CL 50/50 over the 10gc, along with the other. Then I went to work! When I came back the tank temp was 85 degrees & the SA looked "cooked". I did a water change to get the temp down. After a couple of hours, the SA was still not looking too good. When I got up the next morning, the tank temp was 71...yeah
cooked, then fast frozen! My poor SA was not happy.
I was going to wait at least another 4 to 6 weeks, before moving the SA & Clown to my 30 gallon. But since it was already miserable, dying, I moved them last night & went to bed with fingers crossed. I had to move the SA with it's rock, didn't want to stress it by trying to un-foot it! The clown would not leave it! Picked the rock up, shook it, pulled it out of the water a bit, and that Tomato clown just dug right into the SA. There was no seperating them without a lot of stress to both, so they were simply lifted from one tank to the other! Then I went to bed anxiously wondering how things would be this morning! No acclimation had me concerned!
This morning the SA looks better than it ever has
Bigger, fuller tentacles, darker color (kinda tanning up). I set the rock it was moved on so half the SA is out in the open & half under a ledge so it could adjust to the lighting. The Clown is also doing very very well! I'll post a picture after I go get new batteries for my camera.
to the fish gods!
They have been living in my 10gc with a 15 watt CL50/50. Knowing this was not enough light, I put the 30 watt CL 50/50 over the 10gc, along with the other. Then I went to work! When I came back the tank temp was 85 degrees & the SA looked "cooked". I did a water change to get the temp down. After a couple of hours, the SA was still not looking too good. When I got up the next morning, the tank temp was 71...yeah
cooked, then fast frozen! My poor SA was not happy.
I was going to wait at least another 4 to 6 weeks, before moving the SA & Clown to my 30 gallon. But since it was already miserable, dying, I moved them last night & went to bed with fingers crossed. I had to move the SA with it's rock, didn't want to stress it by trying to un-foot it! The clown would not leave it! Picked the rock up, shook it, pulled it out of the water a bit, and that Tomato clown just dug right into the SA. There was no seperating them without a lot of stress to both, so they were simply lifted from one tank to the other! Then I went to bed anxiously wondering how things would be this morning! No acclimation had me concerned!
This morning the SA looks better than it ever has