Almost Done With Exams!!!!!!


Active Member
Well, im a freshman in highschool, and this was the 1st semester exam week. So far i've had Honors English I, Honors Biology, World History Honors, and Spanish I exams. Tomorrow i have Geometry in the morning and then i get to go home and start my 4 day weekend early! I hate sitting in a chair for almost 3 hours ata time! This has been a stressful week, and boy am i glad that it is over tomorrow. All you other highschoolers know what im talking about.


Active Member
oh wow, thats lucky. if you didn't have to go to school to take them, then where did you take them?
normally we would have them before christmas also, but they changed our schedule so that we would go back to school later, and they had to push back the exams so the teachers could have enough time to teach us the material lol. i was really annoyed because we had to worry about them all winter break


Active Member
Well actully, you have to have a C+ to be exempt from the test. If you aren't then you still have to take them at the school.


Active Member
thats awesome. the seniors at my school get exempt from exams with good attendance. also for grades i think


We don't take our exams until next week. Since we're on block schedule I only have to take four but I have to take another four next semester for different classes. It used to be that if we got an A we were exempt, but of course they did away with that rule the year I start highschool. Right now I have Computer Apps. I-A (the A means advanced, it's different from the Alegerbra I-A/B), Honors Geomtry, Honors World History, and Health/PE. Next semester I have Computer Apps. I, Honors Alegebra II, Honors Biology, and Honors English I. I don't know why we have to take a stupid health exam.
I'm going to study this weekend and atleast we have Monday off so I can study then. I also have to drive for Drivers Ed Saturday, I only have two more times left.


Active Member
cool, i did drivers ed august 05, and i did incar decemer or november 05. i b-day was jan 10, so i get my permit whenever i decide to go!
i have all the same classes next semester:
Honors World History
Honors Geometry
Honors Biology
Honors English I
Spanish I (there is no honors class)
Band I
and Life Skills instead of Dance
i would hate to be on block schedule


I applaude you for being a good student!! Your parents must be very proud.... :cheer: You are awesome!!!


Originally Posted by JacknJill
cool, i did drivers ed august 05, and i did incar decemer or november 05. i b-day was jan 10, so i get my permit whenever i decide to go!
i have all the same classes next semester:
Honors World History
Honors Geometry
Honors Biology
Honors English I
Spanish I (there is no honors class)
Band I
and Life Skills instead of Dance
i would hate to be on block schedule
I turn 15 the 29th.


We just finished our computer exams and we have until 10:50 to do nothing
. Tommorow I have Geomtry and World History, then Friday I have Health.


Originally Posted by kellyryan
Doesn't that make you 5 years old?
LOL That's if it's Feb. 29th not Jan. 29th


you guys actually have exams in high school? wow. my high school didn't have an exam week, so no super long tests. but now i've completed one semester of college and taken finals.... thankfully none of them lasted the full two hours that they allot... :cheer:


Active Member
oh yeah i know what you mean. i have a friend whos b day is on leapday, so shes really like, 3 and 3/4, but is actually 15! that is the funniest thing


Active Member
DAM! You one smart kid! I'm like failing Algabra II! OK NOT FAILING! But I do have like a D. And Chemistry I have a C- now! I was the smartest kid in class untill we started calculating formula mass! BTW, you were going to take dance.......??? I'm confused....