Today I almost lost my tank to an earthquake. We had a 5.8 earthquake and the epicenter was 23 miles from my house which made the shaking feel like a 7.0. Holy crap I was scared and in the back of my place when I remembered the tank. It was after my MH's came on and so when I got to it water was scwoosing and plashing everywhere. I turned of all the power to the tank appendages and lights and held on tight to the tank. The stand and tank were rocking in different directions and I ended up getting about 20 gallons of water all over me and the floor. LOL I swear if someone could have taken a movie of me and the tank, it would have made America's funniest home videos. I probably looked like an idiot, but I saved my tank from falling and being destroyed. My reef had a landslide and my corals were all over the place. It took me about 2 hours to clean up the mess and restack and place all my corals. No fish problems either. I was lucky, but what a day !!!!!!