Altering my Euro Fil Sump


I currently run a 75 gallon Fowlr, off of a Eurofil 180 sump. I don't have any bioballs in the sump, but do have a few in the built-in overflow in the tank (keeps the overflow quiet). Anyway, my question is, in the eurofil sump I have a sock filter and it gets dirty fairly quick and needs to be replaced about every week. Anway, I would like to remove the sock filter and fill in that area with live rock debris. By removing this sock filter, am I going to be removing a critical part of my filtration. I do have a small pre-filter pad in my overflow, so I am catching some of the detris before it goes into my sump. Your thoughts please.

richard rendos

Active Member
1) I have no mechanical filtration in any of my tanks...most corals feed on the particulate matter floating in the water column so why get rid of it?
2) If you put live rock in the direct flow from your overflow to the sump, the water will slowly turn your LR into sand. It is better to put live rock in the sump in an area with flow but not having the water fall directly on top of it.