aquarius 1
I have an established 75 gal. FO tank w/ liverock and a Powder Brown Tang, and a Koran Angel. Tank parameters are good, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, and NItrate 0. It is clear that that the fish are infected with ick but I don't think it's a heavy infestation...yet. I've been feeding garlic-soaked flakes on a regular basis but is there anything else I can do instead of hypo? I'm really not a big fan of taking the fish out of the tank because its very hard to catch these two fish and both me and the fish get extremely stressed out. I have both RX-P and Kick-Ick on hand and I know that you don't really recommend either of these products, in fact condemn them, which one would I have a better chance with? Will Kick-Ick be okay with my liverock?