Am I being Paranoid?


I have a green brain coral that i have positioned ever so nicely in the bottom of my tank on the sand bed floor. Well I purchased a diamond goby about 4-5 days ago now and he constantly is covering up the brain with sand. So when i see this i pick the brain out of the sand gently shake it off and place it back. He just keeps doing this, so now i have placed the brain up on a piece of LR so he cant do that any longer. Is there anyway around this that i could keep the brain in the sand floor or am i hoplessly doomed to keep it up on the LR?
I was afraid of the sand being on the brain for to long that it would kill it... AM i right in thinking this way?


Active Member
Good move with getting it sandless. Yes it will irritate the coral if done repetedly and could kill it. Try moving the coral to the other side of the tank away from the goby. Sounds like the goby is just trying to keep his home clean and the coral is in his way. The brain in the rocks isn't such a bad thing provided it rests comfortable where you place it.