Am I being paranoid?


Okay...some of you have read my other threads about my female maroon and her "new" bta. She has pretty much not left it's vicinity since I got it a month or two ago...and has been very aggressive about it (even towards her prior mate).
Anyways, for the past 2-3 days she has not left the anenome...not even to chase the other fish away or come out for eating. The only time I saw her out of it was during one feeding where it closed up with the food and basically forced her out temporarily.
She's been breathing heavier also...but is still active in it (buries herself and moves around and constantly changes position as normal).
I'm worried since she doesn't seem interested in food and the faster breathing. All other fish and everything is completely normal (along with the's doing great).
From what I can see of her she looks okay...nothing on her body at all. The only weird thing is last week she all of the sudden took off out of the anenome and dashed around her area and rocks at full speed for a couple looked like she might have been stung by it or something.
Anyone have their clown act like this before? I wonder if she just has been freaked over that incident last week? That's probably when she started acting weird.


thats odd your female will not shair her anemone with her mate? sounds like someone needs to take away her pleasure hahaha


Originally Posted by reefmate75
thats odd your female will not shair her anemone with her mate? sounds like someone needs to take away her pleasure hahaha
I had a thread a couple weeks ago...she actually went after him so bad he got stressed out and I didn't catch it in time. By the time I got him into a new tank it was too much and he died a day or so later.

That's why it's so weird she acting like this now...not even chasing the other fish away! She won't leave her anenome and is still not eating.


Originally Posted by peachie98
I had a thread a couple weeks ago...she actually went after him so bad he got stressed out and I didn't catch it in time. By the time I got him into a new tank it was too much and he died a day or so later.

That's why it's so weird she acting like this now...not even chasing the other fish away! She won't leave her anenome and is still not eating.
is there anyway you can put that anemone in a difrent tank? just to see? i have 5 maroons and 5 RBTA all in the same tank, but none of my clowns are defensive of the RBTAs did you get intouch with beth? it might have something to do with a not sure...ive never had a clow that wouldnt eat other then now my dominate male...that was when i introduced a larger one years ago...she almost killed him (he was a she back then) theyfought for 3 days fins and scaels going every where...he didnt have any fins left and barly ate but he made it back from the brink tuff little fello...hes now her mate..after he healed up he was the frist one to go in with the monster female, shes around 5" hes very close to that biggest pair of maroons ive ever seen.....anyways i dont know why she wouldnt eat i mean other then almost death is the only time i have never seen my clowns ready and willing to eat anything i put in the tank..i think it has a problem...might want to talk to beth


Thanks...I'll try messaging her later. This is so weird that's it's been going on for days now...she doesn't look weak or anything, just not coming out!
I don't think I can get the anenome off the's latched into a hole on a piece at the base of my live rock pile, doh!
Thanks again...that's the only thing I can think of too is maybe an internal parasite?
I don't know much about this fish, it was apparantly given to the lfs after a tank was taken down, so I don't know age or anything. I've had her for a few months now though and she always had a good appetite.