Am I correct in this


New Member
First let me say that I am very new to salt water tanks. I am planning on getting a 180gal tank and having it drilled so that it will be somewhat reef ready, I read somewhere on this forum that as water flow I need at least 15 to 20 times the tank, is this true. I also want to know a couple of things. 1. how much live rock and live sand do I need. 2. how big does my sump and fuge have to be.
:notsure: :help:


New Member
Well that would be over doing it 15-20times an hour it should be in the range of 8-12times per hour. I always say 1 and 1/4 to 2 pounds per gallon for live rock! SUmp so be as big as will fit under that stand! I am not to familliar with live sand sry!


Active Member
i have a 180 rr. i am using a 55 gal for a fuge and a mag 18 as a return pump. I also have a mad 9 running a closed loop scwd , and dropped in a couple 230gph powerheads behind the rocks. As far as rock goes any where from 200-275 lbs should be plenty. i also have approx 150 lbs of live sand
Just to add a few things, get dry sand and add a couple scoops of your local fish stores live sand as long as it is good. Don't waste your money on all bagged live sand, thats crazy. As far as flow goes I kind of eye balled it on my tank, I adjusted the pumps so they don't blow to hard, you can pretty much tell if they are too powerfull.