
I have only a 20 gallon tank, 8lbs of live rock, live sand, a good filter. i didnt even let the water run for more than a day and i already added 4 damsels. it's been 4 days now and my fish are healthy. i have a test kit coming my way. what on earth should i expect from my cycle? i decided to see how long the fish will last and when they are gone, i will let the cycle run for 3 weeks then add 1 hardy fish. like i said only 20g so i dont wanna buy all kinds of mechanisms like a protein skimmer, etc. will i be ok with my 20 gal setup?


No offense but, I don't know that you are necessairly the best judge of whether or not your fish are healthy. There are a lot of stages between living and dead and just because they aren't lying on the bottom of the tank doesn't mean that they are healthy.
Rule number 1 in salt water tanks is patience. That will help keep you from killing a lot of creatures.


I want it and I want it now! We've all been there. But, like stated, you need to take it slow and have a definate plan as to the direction you want your tank to grow.
I agree with adding a bit more live rock. Make sure it's good quality "live rock"(you know what to look for?).
You also stated you have live sand. What kind of live sand?
With the rock and sand you may be alright for now with those damsels. Take it slow and do not add anything else until you get those test kits.


Active Member
Roggy, welcome to the board!
Lots of people don't run skimmers, But they do have lots of live rock and sand.
What kind of filter do you have?
Damsels should survive your cycle (I hope) but I would wait till your test kit comes in and your ammonia and nitrites are 0 before you add anything else. It will take at least 6 weeks to cycle. :eek: Going slow is the hardest thing to do, but it's the best thing for your tank and animals.
good luck!