am i dreaming?


i was reading a post on this site the other day that got me thinking. i will be upgrading my 75 gal reef to a 120 and want to try to go bare bottom and try to get green star polyps to cover the bottom. i am in no hurry to move everything out of the old tank and it would also buy time to save up some extra $. Has anyone ever seen this or can it be done? any limitations to a reef without a sand bed? what do you think?


Active Member
It would be much more conveniant to have it grow on the glass or something..... I would think that would take forever/ tons of money, and any ground dwelling fish would be out of the question. ..... pretty much eliminate the bottom of your tank as far as inhabitants go....


Plus without sand, you're losing a lot of bio-filtration which will not allow you to keep as much livestock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by corw
the frags i have now double about every 4-6 weeks, and why would it be alot of money?
it would either take forever for the frags to cover the floor, or alot of money to buy enough gsp to cover the floor.