Am I feeding them enough ?


Greetings guys,
iam wondering how do you measure the amount of food you feed to your fishes, i feed them twice a day and everytime i do they eat like crazy and i always wonder if iam feeding them enough or not.. kindly advice


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jacob10
Greetings guys,
iam wondering how do you measure the amount of food you feed to your fishes, i feed them twice a day and everytime i do they eat like crazy and i always wonder if iam feeding them enough or not.. kindly advice
What size tank what are the fish. Personally I think you are feeding way to much. Normal feeding is everyother day


Every other day is pretty much what I do, brine one day, seaweed the next and alternate between them. Just remember, fish will eat and eat and eat, they will always seem hungry, even if they do blow up like a puffer, hehe


Its a 75 gallon tank with a variety of 10 fishes, i use new life spectrum and spectrum THERA +A and its written in the instructions to feed the fishes twice daily..


Originally Posted by Jacob10
Its a 75 gallon tank with a variety of 10 fishes, i use new life spectrum and spectrum THERA +A and its written in the instructions to feed the fishes twice daily..
IDK what those foods are, but you're probably over feeding. If they're frozen good, if they're dry pellets or flakes, you should probably get some frozen. mix it up a bit.
And what type of fish you got?? I'm guessing peaceful like clowns, and gobies and blennies. IF that's the case, You're probably feeding too much. Feed every other day.
It says so on the bottle, but their also trying to make money IMO. THe more you feed, the faster you waste, the more you buy.
From what I've read and my experience w/ my fish, they ALWAYS act like they haven't eaten in weeks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jacob10
Its a 75 gallon tank with a variety of 10 fishes, i use new life spectrum and spectrum THERA +A and its written in the instructions to feed the fishes twice daily..
Ever wonder why they say to feed twice daily? So you run out and have to buy more.
I as well feed every other day. Homemade food and flakes occasionally.


i feed them these 2 types of dry pellets, i have frozen shrimp but some of the fishes doesnt seem interested in when i feed it to them, ill buy flakes and mix it with the pellets, wonder if these 2 are enough?
thanks alot for the advices


Originally Posted by Jacob10
i feed them these 2 types of dry pellets, i have frozen shrimp but some of the fishes doesnt seem interested in when i feed it to them, ill buy flakes and mix it with the pellets, wonder if these 2 are enough?
thanks alot for the advices
I probably wouldn't get flakes. You already have 2 types of dry food. What type of frozen shrimp do you have? I think you're better off getting another type of shrimp, maybe mysis.
Also, try soaking your food in garlic. This apparantly helps encourage fish to eat. Just do a search on feeding garlic.


Originally Posted by Jacob10
Dear Woody,
i use Mysis/ Brine
how do u soak your food with garlic?
i've actually never done it myself.
But lots of ppl put it in fish food. Fish love the smell/taste of garlic so it gets them to eat.
Garlic also, supposedly boosts immune system and helps fish heal faster and stuff. That's debatable. I have no opinion on the matter, because like I said, I've never tried it.
As for feeding, I THINK what you do is mince up some fresh garlic real small. Then try and squeeze the juice out. Place some frozen food in a cup, add a very little bit of tank water, and add some garlic juice. IDK how much, but I'd say about 3-4 drops per 1/4 cube (just a guess).
Then let the cup w/ food and garlic sit in fridge for a while so the garlic can soak in, 30-60 mins should be good.
Then feed. I like to feed a little bit of food, wait for them to eat it all, then feed a little more and keep going till all food is gone. That way, not too much goes to waste.


i've been wondering the same thing. i have an Anthias which is supposed to be fed twice a day but i feed once a day sometimes every other day, the others are Chromis and Clown. i try to alternate between Formula 2 pellets, frozen Formula 1, brine shrimp(i need to learn how to gut pack them full of vitamins), chopped shrimp/scallops.