Am I nuts? Your thoughts


Active Member
I just received an SPS frag order from an ---- seller. It was a 12 SPS frag pack and it cost about $110 for the frags and $52 for the shipping. I know that is high for shipping and assumed it meant that extra care would be taken to assure that they arrive alive.(shouldn't have assumed) Well I got a wet and soggy package delivered to me and opened it up, and besides the fact that it was not in a cooler(Just broken up styro)and didn't include a heat pack, the frags were in one-zip Zip Lock bags. Needless to say half of the bags were not waterproof, and I belive that I have already lost at least 5 of the frags. (They are totally bleached) Some of the frags appear to be in the beginning stages of bleaching starting at the base. Hopfully this is reversible but I belive most of the damage has been done.
My question...I am planning on E-mailing the seller. I belive that I should give them a chance to resolve the issue. If I don't get a positive response I will likely leave negative feedback. Am I being unreasonable?
In my first E-mail to the seller I wrote as long as it is in a cooler w/heat packs and marked live fish it should be fine. None of this was done. It was also sent out overnight instead of priority overnight.(Only an hour later)
BTW has the best shipping I have ever experienced and hopefully the new storefront will allow them to carry a broader range of corals.


Active Member
you have every reason to be ticked. Especially if he didn't do ANY of the things stated in auction. If he doesn't reply to you to fix problem give negative feedback and complain to ----. We had to do that.
Espeically since he probably didn't use all of your money towards the shipping cost/box/handling etc. AND several of your items were not in good shape. Did you pay through paypal/credit card?


Active Member
I would report it to ---- admin . . . . selling anything living on ---- is stictly prohibited.


Active Member
Thats what I thought. I will wait until later to see if any of the frags appear to show any signs of life then complain to him. I might as well give him a chance to make it good, and I don't belive in giving neg feedback until the seller has an opportunity to make it good. I am in retail and we always make sure the costomer is happy. Bad news travels further and faster then good news.


Although it may or may not be 'prohibited' it is clearly not 'strictly'... Have you ever done a search for live coral..? (I don't personally know the rules on that, but i'm sure it isn't very strict (if it is a rule))
Regardless, I agree that the packaging shouldn't have been done in zip-lock, the packages shouldn't have leaked, etc. During warmer months, the styrofoam wouldn't have been a problem if it had been done well.
The shipping is also high (unless you were across the country) and you should be given additional frags sent for free due to the negligence of the shipper. If it had been due to the carrier, it wouldn't be quite as cut and dry, but this sounds like a poor shipper.


Active Member
Would any of you consider a ZipLock OneZip bag a good way to ship? I don't know when it was that I first put water into a ziplock, but I thought it was weird that it leaked. I haven't tried it since.
Experience means not making the same mistake twice.


:nope: Turn them in or they will keep doing this to other people and other corals!! If enough of their buyers complain they will be blocked from selling. That's ashame that people like that have to ruin what could be a great consumer resource. Sorry that happened.


Active Member
he didn't pack it the way you paid for and the way he explained in the auction. He needs to explain why he didn't do any of that in the middle of winter. He has to respond or bad feedback. If he doesn't offter to make it right you do have to right to get ---- envolved and paypal /credit card company. I have been through this once, its a hassel but its the point that you spent a lot of money on the item itself AND the shippping. If he's interesting in staying in business he will fix some of this for you.


Active Member
I would first give him a chance to make things right, if you start out by turning him in and doing all these things to give him a bad name then he has no reason to make things right with you. I don't think you should do business with him again, but don't start burning bridges before he even gets a chance to make things right with you.


Active Member
I will wait for his reply before giving him feedback, and I may still give him positive. If he shows that he can make good. But, as of yet he hasn't replied to my noon E-mail....... Nope just checked again, but I forgot to turn off E-mail notify.
Had enough time to tally though
orange montipora digita Broken into pieces
dark purple tipped nana Broken
super pink birdsnest Bleached
One Zoanthid colony Dead
2 Acropora frags Bleached & Dead
1 Acropora frag Broken
from the item description;
orange montipora digita, incredible green acro with super neon green polyps (originated from the Henry Doorly Zoo), tan with purple rim montipora cap, electric green acropora, Super Fuzzy red/brown pocilopra, super pink birdsnest, blue tipped acropora, dark purple tipped nana, yellow acropora with very pink tops and large polyp extention, tri color acropora, odd yellowgreen table acropora, super green hydrophora. And the three zoanthid frags- super orange center with green skirt, bold green zoanthids and purplish blue centered zoanthids.


Active Member
Here is his reply, issue isn't resolved yet.
hi there...
the styro i used was absolutely the best i could do... i couldnt get anything else...
as far as bags... i have found those to be the BEST thing to ship in... the best...
they r THINK and seal perfectly...
the shipping charge was right on.. i didnt overcharge at all.. i do not have any marker for live fish.. and that makes no difference in how it is shipped.. thats for positive.. i asked... and most peopel that charge $40 for shipping have a deal with shipping companies that ship cheaper for them... i dont get that.... also.. this package was heavy... there were over a dozen bags in there.... as far some some arriving in pieces.. yes.. some did.. thats just they was they broke off... so i sent some pieces extra large to make up for it... and i believe i sent a coupel free sps corals... as far as bleaching and recesion.. i cannot help that/// these r live animals... u always take a chance when buying corals.. especially sps and getting them shipping.. u r bought to have a couple casualties... its likely to happen.... i cannot guarantee these corals... i never said i did in the auction.....


He should be able to do better than ziplock...
With regards to shipping, with 12 bags (if he put enough water) that shipping charge isn't actually that bad... 12 bags does put quite a weight in water if done correctly.
The best discount shippers can typically get through fedex without exceeding $10k in overnight shipping costs is 20%. So that isn't a valid point. Using a American Express Business Gold card and using the online shipping program will get you 15%.
SPS shouldn't arrive bleached or dead. There is a risk, but that isn't the correct response, and it shouldn't be the norm.
The pieces being broken has to be expected with many SPS. The multiple small frags to make up for one that broke too small should be acceptable. They do grow.
Overall, his response with regards to the lost corals is unnacceptable, and his use of ziplock bags is unacceptable. I think the shipping cost is most likely within reason, as many online retailers charge around 40-45$ for only 4-6 frags.
Respond and inform him that he could atleast refund you a portion for the lost frags, as it was HIS fault that bags leaked (he used ziplock bags). Were they even double bagged? If he's unwilling to resolve, then leave the negative feedback, and when he leaves it on you, which will most likely happen, then bring it up with ---- and try to get any negative comments he leaves removed.


Active Member
He already left me a positive, but if I leave him a negitive it may piss him off and he won't want to give me a refund. I replied to his E-mail and am waiting for a response. I will suggest a partial refund. Anything is better then nothing.


Active Member
His reply...
i find it hard as HELL to believe i didnt use heat packs... but.. i believe u... but some i codulnt help... like the orange monti.... that danm thing woudlnt break off at all... so i sent all i could.. and the nana.. i still sent a nice frag PLUS the tip of another that kinda came off... i tossed it in.. i could have kept it.. but i sent it anyhow... .. i sent a nice birdsnest.. sad it bleached... do the bleached corals shwo polyps???

I asked for $50 back and I would leave him positive feedback. I suggested that he use rubberbanded fish bags instead of zip-locks in the future. Also I don't know why he doesn't know if he put the heat packs in there. There either sitting out where he sealed up the box, or he forgot them. Hopefully he will take my advice and future buyers will not have this problem. 97% feedback is good, but its not 100%.


Active Member
He offered me $25. I replied by saying that he violated the agreement by not shipping as his terms stated, and I have the option of disputing the claim with E-bay and Pay-Pal. I also said that If I send back the items, I can dispute it with my credit card company, though this would cost me $40. I may suggest that we use an online dispute resolver, but I probably won't be so willing to settle and give him good feedback. $50 isn't much, especially in this hobby. And I cannot forget that it is his error. It wasn't the fault of the shipper, and I have him on record saying that many of the frags were sent out in pieces.