Am I on the right track??

I am just wanting to make sure I am on the right track so to speak...Here is what I have: 30 gal. Crushed coral and pucha shell substrate, eclipse system 4, biowheel, powerhead, thus far 26 pounds of fiji LR. This is a totally new set up- been running 3 almost 4 weeks now- When could I introduce a damsel?? Do I need a protein skimmer? If I need one should I be running it now? This is primarily Fish only- Does anyone have any suggestions as to anything I should do or should have done differently? Any changes that should be made?? I appreciate your advice as I am trying to provent any future problems that might pop up!! :)
Thanks Again!!:D


New Member
Awright geeezzaa! What yew need ter do is scapa flow ter da store an' get some fisherman's daughter stabilizer. After it’s been in there fer abaaaht a bubble and a squeak, skim da tank wiv a net. 'Nother treatmen' ov crushed rock should do it. If yew 'ave any more problems, Orange Peel free ter ask.
Sorted mate!


Active Member
well damsels get mean.. i would maybe go with a clown instead (better looking imo) and just as hardy (still alittle mean)... unless your heart is set on a damsel.
protein skimmer is debatable, i have one in my 40 and it pulls enough smelly green gunk to make me believe its doing somthing and recommend them.. i use a seaclone 100 which is works fine for me, i cant comment on any of the other brands since this is all ive used so far (im sure someone can shed some light onto there experences with the other brands out there)..


Hey limeyreefer,
Can I have some of whatever it is that you're drinking/smoking?:D :D
Although I never disagree with slothy (I;) ), I'd test your water before adding anything. Your live rock may have started your cycle and the cycle could already be completed, or well on it's way. If the cycle is not completed, I'd wait until it is to add any fish. Although damsels are pretty hardy, why risk killing the little guy?
Protein skimmers are a good idea, IMO, but you really don't need one until you have some fish in your tank and something for the skimmer to skim.
HAHA!! Limeyreefer- what ARE you drinking?? LOL!! Thanks for all your help- any clown suggestions?? Should I buy them in twos?? SO I have basically derived that I will need a skimmer just not until I get fish, correct? should I add more LR, cured of course?? Do I need LS?? Thanks for you help...and humor- Keep em' commin'!!!


Advice is free but the humor will cost ya ;)
I'd only put one clown in your tank. I have a maroon clown in mine......very pretty little guy, nice personality and remains small.
You'll get lots of opinions about which clown is "best".
In a "Fish-only-with live rock" (FOWLR) tank you don't "need" any specific amount of rock. Whatever you have will assist your filtration and provide places for your fish to hide. It's also great for aesthetics! With your mechanical filtration, you probably have enough. If you want to add certainly won't hurt.
Since you already have crushed coral as your substrate, IMO I wouldn't add ls. CC needs to be cleaned regularly. LS does not. I wouldn't put the two together for alot of reasons. I had cc in my tank and it caused me some phosphate problems so i took it out in favor of ls. If you get to the point of removing your cc, THEN go for the ls.
Thanks!!! ...but where is the Humor??:p I like the fact that the maroon clown stays small...I need that is it only 30 gal. Well maybe in the week or so ahead I will try to purchase a clown- now, do clowns and damsels not get along?? oh, yea and do I need to purchase clowns in pairs??:confused:


New Member
Lawd above! Yes, yew need a clown! Do downtown ter da wharf an' ask Jim abaaaht a swim. 'e’ll 'elp yew out! Tell 'im Maureen 'orden Seamus sen' you!, innit.


clownfish ARE damsel fish...maroon clowns can be one of the larger more agressive of the clown fish and can be very could try tomato cown or percula or false percula clown fish...
I would ditch the crushed coral as mentioned it will have be cleaned regularly; put in mixture of live sand & aragonite; cost more of course, but worth it as far as making for a more easilly maintained tank