am i pregnant?


Ok I have a silly question.
I am a new clown owner, bought two at the same time and they are doing great so far although living in hyposalinity. I come home tonight and check them out during their dinnertime and notice that the one I call the "girl" (because she's getting bigger than the other) has a HUGE bulge in her stomach... right above her bottom fins. Any chance this could be eggs? Can you tell if they are carrying eggs?


Active Member
Are you pregnant?!??!?!?!? um........I have no idea. Are you craving pickles and icecream?
Sorry, just got off an OB rotation and have had my fill of pregnant women for a while.
If you just got them, they are probably no, she is not pregnant....just has to poop. Keep an eye on "her" and see if she is still eating. If so, nothing to worry about. If not, she may have an internal bacterial infection. We will cross that bridge if we get to it.


I'm not worried about an infection right now, "she's" eating like a pig in fact she stole every bite of food I put in the tank last night for my three fish.. I had to add more just so the other guys would get a chance.

btw - someone else's post I read the other day mentioned "mating rituals" Is there such a thing? What does it look like?


Active Member
yes you are, and i am sorry. it broke. it happens.
no i dont think your clown is. my clown has a fat belly every time after i feed her.


I'm beginning to get the impression I should have chose a different title... :notsure:
(it's what I get for trying to have a sense of humor)