Am I ready to start adding things to my 120gal?


I am going to have the water tested for Ammonia and Nitrites later today. Salinity is 1.024 Calcium is 400 and Alk is 4.0mil/eq. If levels were close to zero I was thinking of getting some snails and some crabs. I have a DSB and I heard that fighting conch were good. Am I still trying to push it? The lights have been off. Should I wait and turn the lights on for a week?


Active Member
Good question. Answer to pushing it? Yep! Close to zero is not good enough. You really need to see all zeros from ammonia and nitirite at least 2 days in a row. A couple days now won't seem like anything a month from now. Rushing and killing animals will stay with you. Give it time to completely cycle and then start adding.
As for conchs, I would wait a little while and let your sand bed mature a bit more. Once you start seeing algea start you can add some clean up crew. If you add too early they will starve to death.
Good Luck!


Bummer, I added lr two weeks ago. It seems like forever. Is it worth buying an Ammonia and Nitrite test kits? I have never tested for these on my other tank and it is doing fine.


absoloutly buy the tests! its your safest and best investment! you dont want to start adding things too soon, its not fair to the fish or your pocketbook! hang in their patients is a virtue!:p