Am I ready?


Around a month ago, I had an ick outbreak in my tank. I have a 125 gallon FOWLR.....85 lbs of LR, some base rock, around 10 snails, 15 crabs....Tank was established June 2006 RIght now I have
niger trigger
coral beauty
2 clowns
1 yellow tailed damsel.
I lost a racoon butterfly, niger trigger, 6 line wrasse. I put ruby reef in and then i did water change and carbon bag for over a week. Water is clear and the remaining fish are doing great now.
I measured my water today and the Ammonia was good, ph 8.2, nitrite was between 0 and .25....nitrates seemed ok....Salinity 1.024.
Do u think Im ready to add a fish now....My trigger seems territorial to new small fish so I was thinking a medium sized fish. Any suggestions..
Would a yellow tang work out well.....I really want to get a big angel but not if my tank is ready.


if you put the yellow tang in there, you will soon find out if you still have ICH. they get it easier than any other fish i've dealt with


if you get a tang and still have ich you will notice soon i would try and if hes ok for a month or two then you could maybe get a large angel btw what angels were you thinking about :thinking:


emperor....should I be worried about the nitirites at 0 less than .25 ...what are some hardy fish that would go well with my mix of fish...


Active Member
Unless you left the tank fishless for six weeks you still have ich in the tank and any tang you add may get it if they are unhealthy or stressed at all. What's ruby reef? Did you double check that nitrite level at all? It should be zero..