Am I really that dirty?!?


Active Member
Does anyone else have this..problem with their cleaner shrimp? Well it's not really a problem, just kinda odd I guess....whenever I put my hand into the tank, for some reason my cleaner shrimp chases me around until I let him jump on my hand....and then he doesn't let go until I actually start lifting my hand from the water...I was just moving around some corals and he was on the back of my hand the whole time, tickling the hell out of me. Does anyone else have a brave cleaner shrimp like this? I figured he would be afraid of my hand like the fish are...but it's quite the opposite...
Something else he does that's kinda funny is when he cleans the yellow tang, the tang doesn't like staying in one spot, so the tang will start to swim around with the cleaner shrimp on his back cleaning him the whole time, it's kinda comical to see actually :)


Maybe he likes you?:D :D
None of the shrimp I had were ever that bold. Quite to the contrary, they always hid at the first sign of any activity anywhere near the tank.
I did have a percula clown that used to "bite" my hand every time I had my hand in the tank and I wasn't looking!! Used to startle the heck outta me!! Good thing he didn't have teeth!!


Mine did the same thing. Too bad that one day he was no longer in the tank and i never could figure out what happened to him. The coolest thing was when he jumped on my tang and started picking things out of his mouth. The tang would swim by and open his mouth and let him jump on.


Active Member
Mine doesn't do that, but my tomato clown is beyond bold. I can relate to the other post. My tomato will blindside me if I get anywhere near his little area and nip at me. It scars the devil out of me! I', glad he's small and has no teeth! Man is he fast. He needs to learn who feeds him.

cap'n pete

That is actually common behavior of cleaner shrimps. Mine does it all the time, not only to my hand but anything new that goes into the tank. Some kind of mania?:)


My cleaner jumps on my hand whenever it gets the chance, have to shake him off.
I'm sure my clown has got teeth cos it bites me whenever it can and feels like a pin prick.:eek:


Active Member
same here ive got a cleaner that cleans me and a perc cown that bites.
funny story, my girlfriend was feeding corals the other day in the tank and i guess he got her good cause her reation emptied about a gallon of water onto the carpet. i laughed and went into th ekitchen and when i came back she had the clownfish netted in one of the corners so that he could not get out and she went on with her feding duties!
i laughed my arse off. it was really funny:D :D


My cleaner shrimp has become quite the attraction at my house. All my friends want to stick their hands in so hell tickle them. its kinda cute.


my also diggs under my nails till it almost starts hurting. My wife is not brave enough to put her hand in. She is afraid of my hermits


Man! Take a bath would you? Aquariums should not be used to maintain personal hygiene:D
Then again you and the shrimp have a little symbiotic relationship going on. I'll call Jeff Corwin maybe he can do a special;)
I don't have cleaner shrimp (yet), but I do have a yellow tang, hippo tang, and a longnose hawk that all eat flake food right out of my hand...
Handfed fish... who would've thunk it?


throughout these posts - which cleaner shrimp are you refering to?
The yellow one with red stripes down the center?
I have peppermints right now but was thinking about adding 2 more and was leaning towards the pacific version of the cleaner.
Does anyone have fire shrimp?
What are they like?


Azonic, I was wondering. I have a similar tank, 90 gallon, NO flo lighting, how many tubes and what are the dimensions of your tank? do you have any photos? What K of tubes do you have? How are your corals getting on?
mine is beyond bold.. if i stick my finger one inch below the water.. he knows im present.. if i try to feed my bubble coral.. he goes insane..he tries to steal the food from every coral i own.. i don't feed my sun coral in my aquarium because of the shrimp.. will occasionally wait patiently inbetween the sun coral and pearl bubble awaiting for food.. if the shrimp gives up he goes and bugs my hammer and torch..the only coral it doesn't bug is my maze brain..even during feeding..


Active Member
jedimaster, my tank is an All-glass-aquarium brand. It measures 48"x18"x24" (length, width, height). My lights consist of two bulbs. one coralife super daylight 10000k bulb, and one philips actinic03 bulb. Both bulbs are 40 watts. All of my corals are doing great, except my ridged leather....but it isn't related to lighting, he won't extend his polyps no matter what tank he is the LFS he wouldn't either, we thought it was because the lighting was too intense for far nothing has changed since we bought it a month ago.. still alive, just no white snowflake like polyps....all my hard corals are doing well, I find if you place them near the top of the water they do fine under the NO lights, although I do plan on upgrading my lighting to power compacts or vho before christmas. I don't have any pics of my 90 gallon yet, I just switched it from my 38 gallon last week. I'll get some shots over the next couple days and post them.


sounds good, I look forward to seeing them. My tank is the same dimensions its a Hagen with Black silcone. I currently have 4 tubes, 2 20k and 2 18k, I plan to add 4 10k, bulbs soon, I used to have 4 6500 ks but I sold them when my only coral died.