Am I reef ready?


I will set up a 55g tank in September. My parents will get me the lighting for christmas (alleluia) so I can have a reef. The only other tank I have is a 3 gallon freshwater (since April). Some people say it's really tough to keep corals and inverts, and some say that nearly all saltwater fish are difficult. I don't believe that, although many saltwater fish are tough to keep, many are not also.
Do you think it's sensible for a 16 year old with adequate money and time to have a reef as a first saltwater tank and a second aquarium period? I won't try to keep a moorish idol or cleaner wrasse, and I won't put a regal angel in there. I have talked to a lot of people, both in person and online. I have checked out library books on the subject and absorbed the info. Do you think I can do this? I think I can.


I hope I can do this right. This tank will be an awesome aquarium. In a few years, I want to have a FO too, with a snowflake moray, a lion, a puffer, and a smallish trigger. 100 gallons maybe?
[This message has been edited by clownfish (edited 07-21-2000).]


I got my first tank at eight and my first marine tank at twelve. If you have not kept marines already then start with a fish only (ie damsels) and progress when you feel ready. But don't rush it, you will only kill the animals that you admire if you do not understand the processes going on in a tank. You sound like you will do great though. Good luck


Go for it. I started out with a reef and it is doing great. Just make sure you do all the research first. Good luck.