Am I Skimming Enough?


Active Member
I use an Aqua Remora Pro with a Mag5 and Preskimmer. I was in a conversation with a friend last night on protein skimmers and he thought I may not be skimming enough. I told him that I get roughly ½” cup a week and he thought that is should be more since I feed heavily. I have the collection cup down as far as it will go and I don’t think there are any other sort of adjustments that can be made to the unit. I also clean the Mag pump about once month (give or take a few weeks). I know the skimmer is doing something because if I throw in any sort of water conditioner, the cup will fill up fast and I have to empty it at least twice in an hour or it would overflow. Well it came down to whether my salinity is low (heard that low salinity can cause a skimmer not to work as effectively) which I checked last night and it’s dead on 1.025 (use a refractometer) or whether my 10-15% weekly water changes is keeping my water clean. I also run chemi-pure carbon, pura pad and seachems de*nitrate. I wish I had access to another skimmer to test out but I don’t. Is there anyway to determine whether it’s just clean water causing my skimmer not to pull as much or if it’s being caused by something else? Thanks.


Are you corals/fish happy? Is your water a yellow colour? Take out some water and put it in a pure white bucket and if your waters yellow theres dissolved organics in the water that shouldn't be there and your skimmers not skimming enough. And what colour is the skimmate?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lamaface
Are you corals/fish happy? Is your water a yellow colour? Take out some water and put it in a pure white bucket and if your waters yellow theres dissolved organics in the water that shouldn't be there and your skimmers not skimming enough. And what colour is the skimmate?

Everything is doing well and the water is very clear. The skimmate is yellowish whith clumps of blackish stuff (something like that).


Active Member
Thanks. I guess I won't worry about it unless the nitrates start moving up or if hair alage starts popping up.