Am I supposed to adhere it to the live rock?


New Member
I just started to experiment with some easy corals. I have one polyp and another species ...I'm unsure of exactly what but the LFS said it was good for beginners. It looks like little wavy algae that come out in the light. Anyway, the polyps came on a small circular piece of stone and have since started moving toward the LR. The other coral is w/o any sort of rock its just a very leathery piece of coral. My question is i supposed to adhere it to the LR somehow? One of the pieces keeps being pushed off the rock by a crab or another part of my cleaning crew? Will it eventually start growing on the rock? I've had the polyp for months and it hasn't.. Any advice for a coral beginner?


Active Member
Not sure exactly what's going on in your tank from your description, but some corals will propagate through your tank and attach themselves to LR without any help, while some corals are less mobile and can be planted in the sand. I have some ployps that have broken free and established new colonies in a bunch of different places in my tank when they found a place that they like. It can be hard to get corals to attach themselves to rock, but there are a number of techniques you can use to get them to do it on their own. Scopus Tang has a good post about this. If you get a coral frag that is already on a piece of rock/rubble or attached to one of those ceramic frag bases, you can glue that your LR. I have had crabs and those darn Damsels of mine push new corals off off the rock 'cause I guess they just didn't like the disruption to their enviornment!