amazing shrinking shroons


i have recently found, what i call a baby shroon, on a piece of live rock i bought from a friend. you really cant even tell that it is a shroon. it looks like a button polyp, but only dark purple. if anyone knows how to help this true survivor out please help. i have currently just been feading it chromaplex phytoplankton and putting a small amount of coral accel into the tank to see if that would help give it a good bounce back.
im running 96w 50/50 coralife lighting if anyone needs to know.


does nobody know of any good helpful tips, such as good tank placement or feeding habits to help this little guy out? :help:
any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated


give it time to get used to its new invironment.
I have one shroom that didn't open for several days, and every time it gets startled it shrinks back up for a day or two. I have high in my tank, allthough I'm not sure this is the best placment.