Ammonia Alert Card


Does anyone approve of those ammonia alert cards that hang on the inside of the aquarium?? also someone just told me that if you have a sand bed that you dont vaccum the sand... Do you ever clean off the LR and if so how and with what would I use to clean it with? Wouldnt the sand bed get dirty?


I am a firm beliver in those ammonia alert indicator cards. Especialy usefull when setting u a tank as it will definately tell you by chang eof color when the ammonia is going up when its spiked and when its on its way back down again, and when it hits normal or zero then do the water tests. Saves a bunch of messing around checking and rechecking during a cycle. I also like to leave one in a tank in an out of the place location for a quick visual indicator, but odds are if yu have sufficieint liverock your never gonna get a high ammonia level.
I fyu have proper sand sifters and clean up crews they keep things cleane dup and agitated tothe point mechanical filtratin usually pulls it out. Just do not overfeed, and get proper clean up critters.
As for cleaning off liverock, about lal thats gonna get on it is sand maybe if a power head falls or such. Use a turkey baster to puff any junk off rock, and other than that, the critters wil take care of it, as will proper placement of powerheads. Coraline and corals etc will cover a lot of it. You may get algae growing, but usually proper lighting schedules and bulbs and rodi water and prpper feeding and foods takes care of algae problems......