ammonia gone, nitrites gone, NITRATES?


My tank has only been cycling two and a half weeks but today the high nitrites were finally gone. My nitrate reading is only 20. Will this continue to rise or should I go ahead with a 25% water change? Seems like the nitrates would be higher.... :thinking: Also, anyone suggest a clean up crew for a 29gal reef? Thanks!

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a cycle on its final stages. How much of a ammonia spike did you have and what was your initial source of ammonia?
After the nitrates drop to 10 or lower I'd consider a 20% or so water change then give it week or so to make sure it stays stable before adding a clean-up crew. I like an assortment of crabs and snails but it really comes down to a personal choice.


My source of ammonia was pre-cured live rock from SWF. I never saw my ammonia get very high (like over 2). Does this mean that my tank probably will need a very gradual bio-load because it never went too high?


I would let it go a couple more weeks. You can't be too safe. I thought my tank has cycled after 3 weeks... then I had a small spike when I added damsels.