ammonia help


New Member
i just setup up a tank about 2 weeks ago ive been testing the water and the ammonia has been fine until just now its about 0.5 is this dew to the cycle i have about 40 lbs of LR. 40 gal ph is about 8.4 and salinity about 1.025 temp 79 f. and also got this brown alge grownin like crazy ive been doing water changes about once a week take about 5 gallons out but im usin tap water any sugestions thanks.....


Active Member
It could definitely be a result of the cycle. Keep testing it, and if it doesn't go down, then you may need to do a few more water changes. Also, you may want to try and get your temperature a couple degrees higher. :)


New Member
im going to rise my temp to about 80? Probley go antoher week and test the water agian and if ammonia is still high ill do like a 20% change .


Active Member
Your tank hasn't cycled yet. Don't do anymore water changes until the ammonia and nitrite levels spike and go to 0. Don't use tap water when it's time for a water change.... RO or RO/DI water only. :D