Ammonia help


Ok I somehow have an ammonia spike and I am kinda in a panic. I don't have any water mixed up with now, for a water change. What can I do before my fish stop moving??


Well, after two water changes, the water is slowly getting better. The fish are starting to become more active, but I am still worried about what cause the spike. I didn't find anything dead in my tank. It baffles me!!


How long has your tank been running? What critters do you have in your tank right now? Have you added anything new recently?
Glad to hear the water changes helped... hopefully we can figure out what caused the spike so it doesn't happen again.


Tanks a year old, and up until today at 2 PM the water levels were good. I have a clown, a small Huma Huma and a small Yellow tang. I know I know, way over loaded, thanks to my LFS......anyhow, I know thats oart of my problem, but why the major spike? I have 3 Mexican Grazers, 5 turbos and 10 blue legs. I scoop out the food they don't eat when I feed them and I have my dialy/weekly/monthy maintenance tasks. I just don't get it.. As far as do I run carbon. Yes, always have but never had this problem before.


What's your biological filtration situation... how much LR? How often and what are you feeding them?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by major spike? Like pegging the kit or just a bump up?
Do you have plant life in the system?
Has anything dies recently?
Has nitrItes bumped up any?


Yeah I mean pegging the kit. But i did find the culprit, whereas I thought two of my grazers were in my LR......they weren't My Huma Huma had them buried in his cave with them. I dug them out......did a 20% water change and over the last two days it has come back down. Thanks for all your help though.