Ammonia In Tap Water



I have just set up a hospital tank for my hippo tang, has a case of the ich. Anyway, I have began testing all the water variables to get the hospital to match that of my show tank and noticed that my tap water has ammonia in it! It is reading .025 on my Wardley test kit. Glad I tested it. What can I do to get reed of the ammonia so that I can add my sick fish?


the best idea is to not use tap water. ive alwasy been told, and really recommend, RODI water. also might want to check your test kit. just take some water and add an ammonia remover, wait a little while and test it to make sure it registers 0. just thought id recommend this, i had some trouble with one of my tests. anyways the ammonia remover i use is Ammo-Lock 2.