ammonia level after new lr


Hi everyone. It's only been nine days sense I put 100lbs. of lr in my 75 gal. tank. (My fish are in another tank for now!) I know to be patient, I'm just wondering if everything is going okay. My ammonia level is in the death zone. Very high. Is this right? Is there anything I can do to help speed it along or is just waiting and water changes the best way? My blue hippo is not looking real great and I would love to get him in a reef tank as soon as possible. Thanks for any advice!


Active Member
IMO, do nothing, not even water changes, until it has all happened do NOT try to sped it along or control it at all
especially since you have no need to hurry or be impatient, you do have time on yours side, if hte fish are in another tank and doing fine


Thanks! I didn't know I shouldn't be doing water changes! I've been doing them thinking it would help.


Active Member
some believe you should, and others think not, like i said, IMO
but it is my belief that the water changes if anything only sometimes may hinder your process by seting it back
sorry anthem ;) (he and i disagre here)


I agree with fshhub here - the water contains the ammonia but not the bacteria is the argument however if you remove the ammonia then there is in essence no food for the bacteria to grow - just my understanding.
How are your Nitrite readings?


If you do water changes during a cycle--you'll be messing with the testing levels. How will you know if the ammo went down due to the cycling process and the accumulating bacteria or just because of the water change?? You won't know what's what. Only exception here I can think of -is if you have a well stocked tank -who's inhabitants would not survive.