Ammonia Levels continue to rise!!!


We have a 29 gallon tank. We put 20 snails in our tank about 15 days ago. 10 of them were dead, but given the nature of snails we could not tell if they were dead or not until a few days went by and they didn't move. We removed the snails from the tank. Our Ammonia levels went up a bit and we did a water change then another water change, no improvement, then another water change( this time a 50% water change). We have added AmQuel Plus and ammo lock. The levels continue to rise. I cant find anything dead in the tank. How long before we see improvement??? Worried about remaining livestock. We seem to be loosing an anemone should this be removed from the tank even though it is not completely dead? :help:


what does the anemone look like and can you reach it?
There is only one true way to see if its dead and thats a smell test ** and you will know if its dead** some can hold its shape while it decays in the tank causeing problems with ammonia.
What is your ammonia reading at now and what else do you have in the tank?


Our ammonia is reading about a 4ppm. The anemone is a haitian pink tip anemone. It is sort of brownish, and about 1/2 of its tenticles and deflated and shrunk. I don't think it is competely dead but I think it is going. It doesent seem to be moving much either. We also have a small yellow tang and a lawnmower Blenny 2 purple urchins a few blue leg hermit crabs, and about 10 small snails, and 1 lettuce nudi.


with 4PPm its killing everything in the tank.
Get some water changes done quick to lower it at 1PPM it will start to kill the bacteria in the tank causing it to go even higher.
The anemone is more than likely a gooner sorry to say they do not tolerate ammonia ot swings in temp or salinity very well. I would check the rest of the inhabitants and make sure they are all still alive and remove anything that isnt.
Water changes are a deffinate though you need to get that ammonia as close to zero as possible to have a chance of the livestock to live.
in this case I would do atleast 50% changes each day till the get lowered and keep an eye on it for awhile to make sure its not going back up..
How old is this tank and how did you cycle it.


We started the tank around the first of the year, and we cycled it with 2 damsel fish and we have had the tang for over a month. We turned in the damsels when they killed our first clown.