Ammonia levels just won't go down


HI all!
we have a 35 hex, in its 3rd month of cycle. currently, we have 4 hermits, and arrow crab and an anemone. all our readings are great now, nitrates at 20 or 25, nitrites at 0 (yahoo!), ph 7.8 or 8.0, but our ammonia reading just won't drop below the stress level if i am reading the tester correctly. they stay at about .25 or .5 all the time. we water change 4 gallons every 2 weeks, change carbon every month. rinse filter media every month. we use either ro water or distilled for our water changes. what the heck is going on? we have NEVER had a normal or ideal reading for our ammonia. i am scared to put fish in there!!


Try a poly filter. Also take a sample of water to your LFS and have them test it. Maybe you'll get a different reading.


where can i read up on a poly filter?
AND thanks for the quick reply - and good idea about the LFS and testing....


Do a search for poly filters on the message boards. You can buy them at any LFS and maybe even on They are a pad of filter like material that you can put in your filter box or just about anywhere. They pull out amonia and many other things. Not that expensive either.


Also, it could be a bad test kit. Have you had your LFS test your water or tried another test kit? I had a ammonia test kit that always read high but true level was at 0.


I actually tried another test kit and we were at ideal!! all this time, i have been doing frantic water changes once a week and worrying... we also did go to the LFS and they said we are good to go as well... good advice! thanks...


Active Member
Many questions.....
1. What type of substrate do you have in there.
2. Any live rock.
3. How did you start your cycle.
4. When did you start your water changes. IMO you really don't want to change too much water until your cycle is over.
5. When did you add the crabs and how much do you feed them.
6. Although not real important right now what type of lighting do you have.
I know before you say it, I did not put any ? at the end of those questions, I just noticed it and I am too lazy to go change it now.


I agree with Scotts about the water changes. I generally don't do a water change while my tank is cycling for this reason: it may restart part of your cycle. So technically, you're just putting a halt to your cycle and starting off where you left off every time you do a water change. Hence, the endless cycle. On another note...I hope your anemone is doing ok which such toxic levels of ammonia. They require excellent water conditions to thrive. He might be slowly perishing. Good luck with your tank! I hope you figure out the problem! :joy: