Ammonia Levels?


Does the ammonia level always have to be zero . Is there a tolerable level. My tank is 3 months old and my level is approx. between 0.25 and 0.50. Should I do a wter change with this level. All other levels are fine. Just lost 2 clown fish last night that had been in the tank for 3 days. Wondering if the ammonia level has anything to do with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by disaster
Does the ammonia level always have to be zero . Is there a tolerable level. My tank is 3 months old and my level is approx. between 0.25 and 0.50. Should I do a wter change with this level. All other levels are fine. Just lost 2 clown fish last night that had been in the tank for 3 days. Wondering if the ammonia level has anything to do with it.
Definitely do a water change. Ammonia should always be zero. It is toxic at any level. Has your tank cycled completely? how long has it been set up?


Active Member
What test kits are you using?? Ammonia is toxic and should always be 0... you may want to take a sample to your LFS and have them verify your reading.
I'd also say to do a water change as soon as you can.


Ammonia level should always be at zero once you get through your cycle period. How many other fish are in the tank or are these the first two that were in there?
If you have other live stock, then you should d a water change as soon as possible and be ready to do more water changes as you see ammonia and to a lesser extent nitrite. If the two clowns were the only live stock in the tank I would let the tank cylce. This is the process of building up the beneficial bacteria that breaks down ammonia to nitrite and then nitrite to nitrate.
Ammonia present after getting through your cycle usually means that you added too much livestock at once and your biological filtration wasn't up to the task. There are a couple of other possibilities.