Ammonia Levels?


After 2 25% water changes over a 2 day period my ammonia level is still 1.0 - Nitrate is 10,Nitrite is 0-0.25 somewhere in between PH 8.4. Tank is 3 months old- 29 gallon 15 lbs LR. Problem started when I add 10 snails ordered from of which 9 were dead ,they were removed the next day along with 2 clowns that had died 3 days later. Any feedback would be helpful. Also AMMO lock- any good?


What other live stock do you have , is there anything missing ??? don't use ammo lock, its for fresh water only !!! keep up the water changes, clean your filters, and stop feeding for a week or two, just make sure all livestock is accounted for... what is you SG, Temp, and other system filtration.


Active Member
I would try a different test kit. Do you know anyone close or a LFS that can test it for ya? 2 25% changes should really affect the parameters this is why I am thinking your tests may be off.


1 tang, 1 blennie, 10 snails, 10 hermits everything accounted for- my ammo lock says for fresh and salt water??? salinity 1.024, temp 76, emperor 280 filter


Well-Known Member
I used Amquel Plus recently when my QT went into a cycle unexpectedly after a put a new fish into it. Just like the bottle said, levels rose, but there was no fish toxicity, and the fish survived just fine.


we here on dont like to use chemical to solve our problems. I had a 29 gal once. The best way to eleminate this problem is to 1. get a skimmer 2. i hear the tang police (65+gal for tangs bud 3. you should have gottem the emporer 300 this away you have an extra slot to run biomax. how much ls do you have?


Well-Known Member
Slowpoe: I agree that a chemical solution should be a last resort, but elevated nitrite is a chemical problem that won't go away without some action - be it water changes, time or chemicals. Large water changes have their own risks, and just waiting merely allows more methemoglobin to accumulate in the fish's blood and distress it more. Under such conditions, IMHO, action is needed quickly, and a chemical response is appropriate as a temporary fix while the issues of bioload and proper circulation are addressed.


Active Member
You need more LR imo. Try a different test kit or bring a sample to lfs before you do anything else. Water change shoulc have affected/changed your levels.